Monday, July 31, 2006

A great weekend!

Our town has a slow pitch softball tournament every year. It benefits the Little League, and has been going on since 1983.

Jerry has played in it every year since he graduated high school. This year I played with him on a co-ed team. The men have to be 30, the women just have to be out of high school. You must have 5 men and 5 women on the team. It was a lot of fun. Our team consisted of me, Jerry, my bil Mike, my sil's husband Mark, his sister Monica, my bil Mike's friend Catherine from high school, my best friend Tiffany from growing up and her husband Mark, our friend Al, my sil Nancy's friend Gretchen. My sil Nancy couldn't play this year, because she is pregnant, but she'll be on our team next year. It's a family affair! Nancy's twin brother John is only 26, so we have a few more years before he joins our team.

We had so much fun! It was brutally hot though. The heat index was 105-110 on Sat. and Sun. We had 3 games in a row in the blazing sun, but we still had fun. We drank lots of Gatorade and water and that kept us from passing out. We had 5 games over the weekend. I came home with some souveniers, like a VERY sore body, a big fluid filled blister on my big toe that rubs my 2nd toe, a red face and neck, and a lovely sore from my sports bra band rubbing the skin under my boobs while I was so sweaty. lol I love the soreness though, and would really love to play on a league from spring through the fall. I miss softball and it would be nice to play it for the exercise. I hope I can find a team.

Jerry was also on a men's team, which is any age guy out of high school and up. He played with some friends and my bil Mike, and bil John. They also had 5 games, but Jerry is faring much better than me! lol He had played the past 4 weeks on his brother John's team as a sub, so he was in shape already.

All in all it was a good weekend. My parents kept the kids on Saturday after the Little League parade, and kept them overnight. On Saturday night, we went to my FIL's to swim and the party ended up there, and we didn't leave until midnight. It was nice to be just relax and have fun. They took them to a movie on Sunday and brought them back around 2:45. We were in the middle of a game at that time and a thunderstorm came in and we had to cancel the game. I'm already looking forward to next year!


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