Monday, July 31, 2006

Summer is going fast!

This summer has just flown by! I am not ready for school to start. I don't want my kids to grow up this fast. Ashton will be going into 2nd grade! That just doesn't seem real to me. Hadleigh is starting her last year of preschool, and will be going 3 days for 2 1/2 hours. She really loves it, and Ashton loves school too, but it's just hard as their mom to believe they are at an age that I remember being at like it was yesterday. I do like the routine we get into in the school months, but I'm still not looking forward to sending them to school again. The school year makes the months FLY by.

Sawyer is getting so big too, and leaving many of the baby things behind. I'm hanging onto the last few "baby" things we have. He is still in his crib, and he's not potty trained. Do I wish I didn't have to deal with diapers? Yes, but part of me is also going to be sad to be done with diapers. We have been diapering for 7 years straight now, so that will be strange to be done with it. Good, but also a little sad.

We've been busy this summer with VBS, and sports. We had 2 garage sales in 2 weeks, so that kept me super busy. I'm so glad that I did it though, and I was able to empty all of the storage totes full of stuff we didn't want anymore. My goal was to get rid of it all so we could take down this old grain bin that we stored our garage sale stuff in. We accomplished that this past week! Jerry used a torch and cut it up. It looks so much better without it. The remaining outbuildings are ones that we plan on restoring, so it's nice to have all of the bad ones gone.


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