Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dylan's baptism!

We had a busy Sunday! I'm on the Christian Education board at our church, we basically do things for the Sunday school and the kids of the church. Sunday was the 1st day of Sunday school, so we had a rally day. I had to be there early to help set up. We have games, food, and a bounce house. Members of the church brought meals, either hot or cold for the dinner which is held after church. We had a great turnout!

Church is after Sunday school. The kids did a balloon launch at the end of Sunday school, which was so fun. After that, most went to church, because they pastor did a backpack blessing that day, so everyone brought their backpacks. It was so cute! We had 255 people in church! That is just amazing! After church, the dinner was held and the kids could play the games and jump in the bounce house. We couldn't attend the dinner because we had Dylan's baptism!

Dylan Marie did great for her baptism and didn't even make a peep! Her dress was gorgeous! Nancy and Mark had a dinner afterwards at their house. It was a nice day, but poor Sawyer didn't get his nap, so he was crabby! We went home for a few hours after Dylan's party and then decided to take a ride into town to see Mike since he was heading back to Colorado the next morning. We found him, and ended up at my fil's and we ordered pizza and hung out on their deck. It was nice to get a chance to visit with Mike while we relaxed.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger The Kramers said...

I never heard of a blessing for backpacks before! That's so cute and neat! :)


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