Room mom day at Hadleigh's school
On Tuesday, I was the room mom for Hadleigh's class. All the moms take turns, and it was our day. That meant, we brought the snacks, juice, plates, cups, etc. She was also the leader for the day, and she did the calender, weather chart, and fun things like that. She was so proud doing those things. It was so cute! :) The kids are all adorable. They read books, played, did an art project, did some little math stuff with these cute bugs. I loved observing. When the kids went outside to play, I had to do the cleaning. That is the deal with the co-op, the parents have to do the cleaning, the parents are the ones that basically run the school. It's a very parental involved school, which is nice, although cleaning bathrooms is no fun! lol I had to clean the bathroom, the entry way door, and then vacuum the entire classroom. It went fast and was so worth it to watch her and her friends at school.
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