Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The last hurrah!

August seems to just whizz by. Ashton's soccer practice started, and he's loving it. He practices 2 nights a week, and they've had 2 games already. They won both, and he scored his first goal on Aug. 19! He was so excited!

We had his kid's party on Aug. 7. He had some friends over and we took them to the waterpark. My friend Amy helped me. The waterpark ended up closing early, because it was raining when we got there, and if they don't have 50 people within an hour of opening, they close it! We were bummed, because the rain had quit, and the sun was coming out and it was getting hot and humid, and I know that the park would have been filled. Oh well, the kids had a lot of fun for the hour they were able to play. We decided to try the sprinkler pad at Bird Park, but it was closed due to mechanical problems. As the last resort, I called my FIL, and we were able to go and use his pool! It saved the day! The kids had a blast swimming and jumping in, and my BIL John came home while we were there and played with all the kids. We ordered pizza for supper, and after dinner one boy ended up sick, so I took him home. The other boys played outside and had fun. They made smores around the firepit, and then later they watched a movie and ate popcorn! We had lights out at 11, and they slept all night and didn't have any problems! They played the next day, hit the pinata, ate the adorable frog cake that I made, and went home around 1pm. It was a successful first sleepover and first kid's party!

The Gladiolus Festival started on Aug. 10. Ashton and Hadleigh entered the coloring contest and both won first place in their categories. We had the Kid's Parade on the 10th, and then took them to the carnival that night. On Friday, we went back to the waterpark for the day with Amy and her kids to use our passes that were given to us after they closed early during Ashton's party. We left the park, and went right to the Glad Fest run. There were so many kids and it was fun to watch. We watched the parade that night at G.T.'s and then went to dinner that night with my parents and Uncle Mike and Aunt Joanne. On Saturday, we walked around the flea market and then went to Ashton's soccer game and then back to G.T.'s for the parade. Hadleigh fell asleep and had a fever, so she missed the parade. We ate after the parade and then took the kids home. All 3 kids ended up getting sick with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. That was fun, and I'm so glad they were better before school started!

This past Saturday, August 19, we took the kids to A Day Out With Thomas after Ashton's soccer game. What fun that was! Sawyer was only 5 months old the last time we went, and he's a Thomas freak now, so he was in heaven! Ashton and Hadleigh enjoyed it too. The place it's held at is also a railway museum, so there is so much to see. We like looking at all the old trains. On our way home, which we took a different way to avoid the tollways, we saw a great restaurant for dinner! It's so funny, because we ate at this restaurant when I was in junior high, after a state playoff football game that my cousin played in. I remember the restaurant well, but couldn't remember the name of it or where it was located, and my parents didn't remember either. It was so cool just to stumble upon it. This restaurant is in an old barn, and has many ponds around the property. It is a pretty place with great food! We weren't exactly dressed that great for this restaurant, but we ate there anyway! lol


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