The LAZY days of summer are over!
Ashton started 2nd grade today! I can't believe my baby is in 2nd grade! It seems like I just took him to preschool, and it really just feels like he started Kindergarten! Where does the time go? He has the same 2nd grade teacher that Jerry had in 2nd grade, so that is exciting. She seems nice, and he had a great day today. I sent her a note, asking if she needs me to help in her classroom, hoping she would. I was lucky, because she responded that yes, she did need volunteers! WAHOO! I've been really lucky so far, and have been able to volunteer in his classroom in Kindergarten, 1st grade, and now 2nd grade too! It works out well, because my best friend Amy also volunteers and we swap babysitting while the other goes in to school! I can't wait to see how much more he learns this year. It's just great how much they learn so quickly!
I was a little sad this morning that our slow paced summer days have ended. No more sleeping until we feel like it, and going where we want to, when we want to. Nope, we are back to our schedule! I do like and enjoy our schedule once I'm used to it, but I also cherish those lazy days of summer.
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