Tuesday, August 30, 2005

All partied out!

Friday night, I had a jewelry party to attend for my brother's girlfriend. I didn't leave their house until midnight! I was so tired.

Saturday was a very busy day. We had Ashton's soccer game at 9am, which they won! They are undefeated! At 1pm, Ashton had a party for his classmate Gavin. Gavin's mom Joni had asked me to help her with the kids and I could bring Hadleigh. Amy also helped and brought Will. The kids all had fun jumping on the trampoline and using their huge inflated water slide. It was hot though, and the sun was beating on us leaving me with a headache. :( The party ended at 4pm, and then we had to quickly stop by another of Ashton's classmates party. It was Gary, and we cou ldn't stay, but Ashton wanted to say "Happy Birthday" and drop off his present. At 5pm, we had Paige's 2nd birthday party, so we went straight there. It was nice visiting with my family and watching the kids play. There is a vacant lot next to their house, and one of the neighbors and his sons were playing ball with the kids. They had a great time. I was so ready for bed that night. We ended up renting a movie, Guess Who, but I couldn't stay awake, so I watched the end in the morning!

Sunday was a nice and relaxing day. We mowed and worked on the house, and just played at home.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Fundraisers already??

Ashton came home yesterday, yes his 2nd day of school, with a fundraiser! I was on that committee for the PTO last year, so I should have expected it. Of course, he wants to win 1st prize, so he can get the 41" stuffed lion!! Oh yeah, we need a 3 1/2 foot stuffed lion really bad! lol It's cute to see him so excited though, so I guess we will try hard this time.


Today I decided I better update my calendar, now that I have Hadleigh's and Ashton's school calendars for the year. My little calendar just doesn't have the room for everything I need to put on it, so I ordered a GREAT calendar from flylady.net. It has huge squares, or shall I say rectangles, for all the space to write in all of your craziness. I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival! What will I do when Sawyer goes to school? I hope they just keep enlarging the spaces!

A little disappointed

Last year, I volunteered in Ashton's Kindergarten class. My friend Amy and I swapped babysitting, and we both went in once a week to help the teacher. It was great to help out and to watch the kids. I admit, there were days I didn't feel like going, but I loved watching Ashton interact with the other kids and I especially loved watching him as he learned.

So, this year I sent a letter the first day telling the teacher that I'm available to volunteer if she needs it. Amy sent the same letter. Yesterday, the boys came home with letters saying she wouldn't need us because they have a senior citizen volunteer. I think it's so great that community members, especially those that don't have children in school, volunteer. I'm happy for his class, but I'm also a little disappointed. Amy was too. As soon as I knew the bus had dropped Ethan off and Amy had had enough time to go through his backpack, I called her! lol She was very sad too.

The bright side is that she said she may need us at times for special projects and for a unit in February, so we do have that to look forward to. I guess the disappointment comes from the thought of the teacher NOT needing us, never crossed our minds.

I guess it won't be that bad, because every day of the week, except for Monday and possibly Fridays I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Mondays may remain a free, stay at home day which will be nice, especially in the winter.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Our upcoming trip!

I'm starting freak out about our trip without the kids. I mean, I'm super excited to be going away for our 10th anniversary! We would regret not doing anything, but it's going to be so weird not taking care of a child or cleaning up amess, or picking up toys, or running to ballet, gymnastics, soccer, etc. We decided to leave on a Thursday night, stay in a hotel take Friday morning to putz around and do whatever we feel like. We are stopping at a university library that has a tape with Jerry's family's business working on it. I don't really know what is on the tape, but he wants to see it and find out if we could copy it or something. Then, we will take the ferry to the island later that afternoon and check into our bed and breakfast! I'm looking forward to being surrounded by water and traveling by bicycle or golf cart! I'm just afraid the time is going to go so slow being away from the kids. It usually works that way, and then when you get home, you wonder why you wanted to get home so soon! lolAnyway, we will have 4 nights of sleep, so that will be nice!

How do refrigerators get so nasty inside?

Seriously, what happens inside when the doors are closed? I just don't understand how they get so nasty? I try to clean it out regularly, but everytime I'm amazed at the crap I get off the shelves! I think I can blame the nasty hot dog juice, that the kids always seem to dump, for the mess in the meat drawer! lol It's always something, isn't it?

Hadleigh's Preschool

I had Hadleigh's preschool meeting last night. I'm going to LOVE this school. They have so many wonderful field trips planned, and it's VERY parent involved, which I am ecstatic about. I like to be involved in my children's schools. I think it's very important to be involved.

She starts preschool on Sept. 6. There are 10 kids in her class. The parents take turns being the helper, which means we have to clean, help the teacher with the kids and lessons, and we also have to take pictures and record funny things the kids say and do that day. They put newsletters out with the photos and funny things the kids do and say. How cute is that?

The trips that are planned are a trip to the Apple Orchard in Indiana, a trip to the theatre to see "A Winnie the Pooh Christmas Tale," Brookfield Zoo, the fire station, the police station, and a few trips to the local nursing home at Halloween and Christmas.

They also do 3 class cleans during the 9 months. That means parents sign up to go in on a Saturday and you clean the entire classroom and every single toy. They also have playground cleans where you scrub all the outdoor playground equipment. How great is that? Not that I like to clean, but I feel good knowing they care about cleanliness and germs.

The school is run by the parents, so we make the decisions and do the work. I've heard so many great things about the school and can't wait for Hadleigh to get started.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

1st grade!!

I just can't believe that Ashton started 1st grade already! Today was his first day of school. I was a bit sad to see him go, but it wasn't as bad as last year! I just can't get over how fast time goes, especially when the kids start school. He had a great day, and loved having his own desk. In Kindergarten, they sit at community tables, so this is new for him.

Tonight, I have a meeting at Hadleigh's new preschool. She starts after Labor Day. It will be weird to have her gone as well for 2 days a week. Life is just flying by!